Electrical Engineering
Last modified: 4 months ago
EditTinoTronics is Cupertino High's only club specializing in Electrical Engineering. No experience required - we start from the basics, ground up. We're a project based club; throughout the year we'll be building several projects including:
Breadboard circuits
Soldering with IC components
Microcontroller projects
Analyzing voltage and current using oscilloscopes
Robotic arms, RC/arduino cars
A custom PCB (which you can take home)
Each meeting is jam packed with tons of core content, with an embedded session of project building. Our mentors will guide you along in project building, regardless of which experience level you may be at. Along the way, you'll learn about all sorts of topics such as:
Basic Electricity and Magnetism physics
Logic (tied with Computer Science)
How to use oscilloscopes
Basic conventions of Electrical Engineering
Outside of the core electrical content, we'll provide more enriching Electrical Engineering opportunities along the way, introduce you to Electrical Engineering professionals through guest speaker events, and help provide you a strong foundation and interest in Electrical Engineering that can follow into several fields including Computer Science, Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Physics that you can build upon.
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We meet Tuesdays weekly at Lunch in Mr. McLeod's room (314).
Tino Tronics Meets
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